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Technology leading,Credit standing first

With excellent design team and excellent production equipment, we provide excellent products and value service for our customers.
Welcome to Jiangsu Xuhai Opto-Electronic Technologies Co., Ltd.
Tel : 0516-66680087-8088

Xuhai provides a complete set of devices and modules for gas detection based on TDLAS, FTIR,UV-DOSInfrared, etc. Include:

TDLASLaser,Gas Cell,Reference Gas Cell,PD

FTIR Gas Cell with High Temp Corrosion Resistance,Michelson Interferometer(Planning)

UV-DOSUltraviolet light source(Deuterium lamp、Xenon lamp),UV Gas Cell,Spectrometer(Xuhai Customized Version)

Laser Point Type Sensor CH4NH3,CO,H2SO2

Laser Telemetry Type Optical Module &Subassembly CH4,NH3,CO

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